Album: School of Volume
Little bad mind + little red eye, little thieving + little tell lie, little sexual sin and obeah working by time you look yu turn a little hell guy
Sin add so much until sin multiply an a add to the sky as the time went by
Sin + sin= more sin, sin + the blood a Jesus well that = to no sin
If Jesus wash your sins away, let me see your hands up in the air, if you know you saved and sanctified, wave you hands and say
Verse 1:
God Spirit + the water = to land, God breath + the dust well that = to man
Let us make, and it = to one, the first, man pon th land = to Adam
Adam rib + God hand = to woman, one woman to one man = to God plan
(But) sin + sin = more sin, sin + th blood a Jesus well that = to no sin
The Woman from the man well it= to Eve, serpent ina the garden = deceive
The serpent, Eve go believe, now to make mankind = to God grieve
Adam sin now the garden him have to leave, Adam knew Eve and them= conceive
Then sin + sin = more sin, sin + the blood a Jesus well that = to no sin
Them conceive and it = to Able, God like the offering him pon the table
Cain get jealous and him mek him unstable, till Murderer= to Cain Label
God never get confuse like Bable he had a plan fi Joseph + Mary +a stable
Sin + sin = more sin, sin + the blood a Jesus well that = to no sin
Verse 2:
Mi a go Take it little further to the days of Noah, man sin add so much till God plan a big shower
Noah tell the people that a flood shall devour, but them laugh instead a them sin them go scour
Sin make Kingdoms lose them power, an chop down great men like Lawn Mower
Sin + sin = more sin, sin + the blood a Jesus well that = to no sin
When yu add lust to lust =masturbation, keep on a add that = phornication, an if you don't stop sexually sinning it add up to something the bible call mind reprobation
Add sin to sin and you shall regret because the wages a sin that = to death
Sin + sin = more sin, sin + the blood a Jesus well that = to no sin
Mi a go Take it little further to the part whey get nice, God + him mercy = to Christ
But man heart did cold like ice, so them add him to the cross but them never know that = to Life
Listening wisdom = the wise, me + tha song ya = good advice
Sin + sin = more sin, sin + the blood a Jesus well that = to no sin
Verse 3
Fi add sin to you spirit is like paint a add thinner or a man whey love eat an add poison to him dinner
Before Abraham Christ was the origina, Omega the end, Alpha the Beginner
One sin a Adam make all become sinner, accept Jesus make any man a winner
Sin + sin = more sin, sin + the blood a Jesus well that = to no sin
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